The W R Lysaght Institute 1937

Photo reference number: 45

By The Secretary, T Crowther.

This fine Institute was built by the joint efforts of the firm of John Lysaght, Ltd. and its employees, as a lasting tribute to the devoted beneficent leadership during a period of fifty years of Mr. W. R. Lysaght, C.B.E. It was opened by Sir William Berry, now Lord Camrose, on December 7th, 1928. It is unique for a memorial to be built during one's life and, we are happy to say, Mr. Lysaght is still with us.
The Institute stands in its own grounds of over eight acres. The following accommodation is provided in the building. On the ground floor there is a public bar, smoke room, and saloon lounge; a large billiard room with two tables; a reading room, ladies room and commodious recreation room. On the north side are the shower baths, bathrooms, dressing-rooms and an up-to-date skittle alley. Three staircases are placed in good positions for access to the first floor and there are verandahs on the north and west sides. On this floor is a beautiful hall laid with maple wood. It is reputed to be one of the finest of this kind in the country.
Very fine cloakrooms are also provided. The dining-rooms, too, are on this floor.
The grounds are now laid out with tennis courts, bowling greens and a putting green. Hundreds of trees of all kinds have been planted, and flower beds made. It is rapidly becoming one of the beauty spots of the town.

(Image and text from Newport Encyclopaedia 1937)